Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beat Like This

(Written June 2006, at age 19.)

life was a path of certain uncertainties,
an incessant struggle to rightly please;
a determination of hardened morals;
and a collection of tangible laurels.
achievement, indeed, felt like bliss,
before i knew a heart could beat like this

company was so greatly cherished;
conversation knowingly embellished;
bonds anew were sought and weighed;
trifles into troubles constantly made.
i believed in love and i felt amiss
before i knew a heart could beat like this

i was oblivious: that one person could steal my eyes,
conquer my mind, my heart, my sighs;
that someone could show me i was so much more
than i ever thought i could truly know.
i didn't know just what i would miss
if you didn't show me a heart could beat like this.

you brought so much beauty to me
you brought music to its melody
you are my trust, my eternal hope,
you are my will to love, my hero.
you so perfectly fill every abyss -
you, that makes my heart beat like this.

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